Tagged: fireplace

A Fully Functional, Finished Fireplace. Finally!

A Fully Functional, Finished Fireplace. Finally!

It’s taken 30 days. Although they only worked for 11 of them. But we finally have a full, finished and functional fireplace. Today the put the finishing touches to it, which included moving the stove...

Still Not Fricking Done

Still Not Fricking Done

I was right! I said yesterday that I didn’t think they’d be finished today. And whaddya know they weren’t. So despite leaving work early to get back to make a couple of decisions on moving...

Another Fireplace Update

Another Fireplace Update

So the fireplace still isn’t finished after 9 days of work over a period of 25 days. The reason for the long delay was that the fireplace we ordered didn’t even arrive into the country...

Fireplace Update

Fireplace Update

Having been told that the fireplace would take about 5 days to build we’re into the 7th day (they took a day off on Sunday) and it still isn’t finished. The brick work has all...

Getting A Fireplace Built

One thing that The Wife wanted when we were looking to buy a new house, was either for the property to have a fireplace, or to have the space to be able to put one...