Tagged: southeastern

Another Southeastern Debacle

This morning we had the first light splatter of snow of the year, and as fully expected Southeastern’s trains ended up going tits up. When I left home there was a light dusting of snow,...

The Train Pain

As the year comes to an end, it’s time to shell out a small fortune and renew my train season ticket. Every year the cost of rail travel goes up and this year I am...

The Cost Of Train Travel Isn’t Fare

It was announced today that some rail fares will go up by 6.2% in January, almost double the current rate of inflation. Once again, rail commuters are going to get shafted by the rail companies....

So Where Are All The People?

After the relatively pain free journey into work yesterday morning, the journey home last night proved to be just as painless. I took the 2nd option of leaving work earlier than normal, in case there...

Commuting Dilemma

With the Olympics now under way, today is the first test for the travel network as thousands of people converge on the Olympic Park in Stratford, adding to the millions that commute into London each...

Ripped Off Once Again!

It’s the time of year when I have to blow a small fortune for the privilege of having my sorry arse dragged to and from work each weekday, and this year it’s nice to see...

It’s Snow Joke!

It’s Snow Joke!

Despite a relatively hassle free journey in yesterday morning, going home proved to be a totally different matter! After meeting up with a friend for a drink after work I left the pub at 10pm...

Snow Woes

Snow Woes

The last few days has seen loads of snow fall across the UK but fortunately I was able to work from home for two days so that I didn’t have to make the treacherous journey...