
Here’s where you’ll find various video-type stuff what I have done and images what I have took. You can see other videos over on my YouTube channel as they don’t tend to be put here unless they’re deemed worthy!

On our Route 66 trip we stopped off at Keepers Of The Wild, an animal sanctuary, here’s their lion club Anthony:

Here is one of my Aibos, Deefer, dancing along to Daft Punk’s “Technologic”. This video was created for Sony’s Daft Punk competition where it was voted into a very credible 6th place by members of the public. Deefer has his very own Youtube playlist as well.

One of the best goals I’ve ever scored. It’s just a shame it was on a console and not in real life! Scored on FIFA 08 (the last football game I bought!), playing as West Ham against Birmingham.

You can find loads of pictures over in The Gallery.