2022 Movie Challenge Completed

Weekly Movie Challenge
The Twitter Weekly Movie Challenge by @CineChums

At the beginning of the year I started CineChallenge’s Movie Challenge, which was to watch a previously unwatched movie in a different category each week and quote tweet them back with your chosen film.

Fifty-two weeks later and I’ve watched more than 60 new films, from categories such as ‘films set on planes’, or ‘films from the 80s’ to ‘films in the Criterion Collection’.

There have been some great films but also some pretty mediocre ones (Pineapple Express, I’m looking at you!) and for some reason I watched quite a few Coen brothers’ films, including Fargo, Burn After Reading, and Raising Arizona.

Pele scoring in the film Escape To Victory
Pele scoring in the film Escape To Victory

I tracked all the films I watched for this challenge over at Trakt, you can see the full list here –> https://trakt.tv/lists/22857968 and the quoted tweets (with gifs) are also viewable here.

I’ll be doing the same again in 2023 and I’m looking forward to watching some classics along the way…

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