Got Got Need 2022
It’s a World Cup year and that means it is also Panini World Cup Sticker Collecting Time!
The biennial event of throwing money at little packets of stickers has arrived and so I’ve bought my sticker album and put my order in for a whole box of stickers and that should take me a few weeks to put in. The annoying thing is that they changed the numbering system which is going to make it more difficult to keep track off and do swaps.
Instead of numbering the stickers one to six-hundred-and-whatever, they’ve numbered them by country so each team has 20 stickers. Doesn’t make sense to me but I guess they’ve got their reasons!
There’s some reports on news sites that, based on probability, it’ll cost about £800 to complete the album. Whereas the real figure is actually a lot less than this if you’re clever in your purchasing and you utilise online swap sites such as I’m going to keep a tally of how much it costs me this year as I reckon it won’t be anywhere near £200 let alone £800!
Now to sign back up to Swapstick and find out which of my friends are collecting them so we can do some swapsies…
UPDATE 10th January 2023: I’ve just stuck the last sticker into the book and I’ve calculated how much it cost to complete the book. For the album & stickers, postage for swaps, subscription to, and a final order from Panini it came to a grand total of £143.96. A smidge under the £800 they reckoned it would cost!