Homeward Bound

After what has been an incredible couple of weeks it’s now time to head home.

There was just enough time this morning to head back down to Hollywood Blvd for breakfast and a few more photos before getting back into the Jeep for one final drive to the airport.

The traffic has been quite bad in LA so we decided to leave ourselves plenty of time to get to LAX, and even the hotel staff said it would take just over an hour to drive. So being ever cautious we gave ourselves an hour and a half to include a petrol stop as well. But we needn’t have been so worried as 35 minutes later we arrived at the Alamo drop-off centre.

We now had more time to kill and that was hard to do. You’d think that somewhere like LA airport would have good shopping wouldn’t you? Well it’s rubbish. One store selling some duty free perfumes, alcohol and a few cigarettes, another selling a few sweets and magazines (with a manager who can’t understand splitting a bill across a card and cash!), two small restaurants and a Starbucks. And that’s it. No clothing stores or electrical shops, which was a pain as I was hoping to buy a few SD cards as they’re cheaper out here.

After grabbing a burger we went to our gate to sit and wait to board the plane and while sat there, we finally spot a celebrity. Well he used to be famous. It was the one and only Chesney Hawkes (see what I did there). And times must be hard for him because he was sat in cattle class with the rest of us!

So a 10 hour flight finally brought the holiday to an end. It’s been so busy we’re going to need a holiday to get over it!

Miles driven today: 27
Total miles driven: 2977


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